(Québec) A regrouping of community organizations and a good case of “political power”, following the adoption of a motion of the National Assembly asking for public funding of organizations that encourage the forms of exploitation sexuelle des mineurs.

The Table of Regroupments of Provincial Organizations of Community and Benevoles (TRPOCB) offers many apologies to the party that is a favorite for a motion submitted to the Parti Québécois (PQ).

The chef of Paul St-Pierre Plamondon is part of this movement of the intervention project for my prostitutes (PIaMP), for which 350,000 $ of public fund is paid, the note of a program is given by the Minister la Santé.

It is estimated that the organism banalizes sexual exploitation and allows the promotion of “sugaring”, it is a relationship between an adult and a miner who “offers a company for various activities” – the definition that the device offers dans un document product par le PIaMP.

The moment the TRPOCB participates in a “moral judgment” or “general defense of the autonomy” of the community groups. Moreover, the organization is financially dependent on a normal program, “very much”, with 3000 other organizations in the Community.

“It is very serious that the ministers, the deputies and the deputies use the gallery of power, in the public place, the approval of the group that this is”, and the president of the Table, Stéphanie Vallée.

The intervention project for my prostitutes (PIaMP), which intervened between the ages of 12 and 25, was accused by the chef Paul St-Pierre Plamondon of proposing “incendiary” and inciting ” panic morale ».

But it persists and draws. During the press conference in parliament, you may take on human resources and democracy in a democracy may choose a change.

« If you are sure that you are positive about my people turning sex services into a change of reward, you can say this: “the problem, it is possible”. The morale of panic cannot work. »

The organism’s accusation is that the position of the parliamentary committee is special for the sexual exploitation of mine workers in 2019-2020.

Il a lue une citation mise de l’avant par le PIaMP: « The organism is a démarque des emblems of discourses that change the persons who change sexual services to the status of victims and a démarche for intervention with the avant-up proposals free arbitration van jeunes. »

PiaMP has the value that the “sugaring”, the “sugar daddies” can subscribe to a strategy of emancipation or that you can rely on free arbitration.

« A 12-year-old exercise is free to hire in a relationship “sugar-daddy” or to provide sexual services and change a reward, if it involves sexual exploitation, whatever this, ça doit être nommé », a déploré le chef péquiste.

“If you have attended the entire national assembly, there is one abstention that is this: it is enough,” finally.

If the movement is not listed as PIaMP precision, the chef may use a cible of the press before it is ready.

When a letter was sent to La Presse Canadienne, PlaMP took a “pragmatic position regarding the changes in sexual services”.

An attempt to reduce risks is “not an invitation to prostitution”, a guarantee for the organism.

“Reconnaître that the young may choose a pensioner for positive changes in sexual services, it is not an incitement to prostitution”, poursuit-on.

In one of these documents it may be that the “sugaring” it “presents as sexual exploitation” but “in reality, it is useful with certain persons, as an example of a (sic) and interpreting the relationships between trust and respect and support from SD (sugar daddy) ».

The Ministry of Santé and Social Services will receive a prize of $230,000 for a PIaMP in the undertaking of the Program for the Community of Organisms.

The Ministry of Public Security has allocated a share totaling $120,000 to the organization.

Le PIaMP a pour mission « d’écouter, de supporter en d’accompagner dan (ses) démarches toute personne âgée the 12 to 25 ans who exchange or are receptive to the change of sexual services against the form of reward », peut-on lira dance son site internet.

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